The Facts & Figures of failing cyber security over the last year
Add to favorites For so long the need to improve cyber security awareness and skills has been drilled into workers heads, so why is it still not happening and instead incident figures are rising? Cyber-attacks took over the news headlines in 2017, but despite the…
Artificial intelligence could supercharge hacking and election meddling, study warns
Breaking News Emails Get breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings. In the 2020 election, you might not be able to believe your eyes or your ears due to advances in artificial intelligence that researchers warn could…
Top 10 IoT Security Tips
For most people, Internet of Things is, first of all, his home computer network of smart devices. The number of such devices and the need to connect them together and to the Internet is constantly increasing. Some devices work with local networks; others require access to…
How Will Artificial Intelligence Impact IoT in 2018
We have come so far since the early days of an Internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence when things seemed new. Here is a new world that totally works on computation statistics and smart cloud data servers. With the amalgamation of two major technologies…
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