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Siemens RUGGEDCOM APE 1808 

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. RISK EVALUATION Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could allow remote attackers to bypass integrity checks. 3. TECHNICAL DETAILS 3.1 AFFECTED PRODUCTS The following products of Siemens are affected: 3.2 Vulnerability Overview 3.2.1 TRUNCATION OF SECURITY-RELEVANT INFORMATION CWE-222 The SSH transport protocol with…

Siemens has released new versions for several affected products and recommends updating to the latest versions.
ICS, News, Vulnerabilities

Siemens SIMATIC WinCC 

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. RISK EVALUATION Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could allow an unauthenticated remote attacker to retrieve information such as users and passwords. 3. TECHNICAL DETAILS 3.1 AFFECTED PRODUCTS Siemens reports that the following versions of SIMATIC WinCC are affected: 3.2 Vulnerability Overview…

Siemens SCALANCE XM-400, XR-500
News, Vulnerabilities

Siemens SCALANCE XM-400, XR-500 

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. RISK EVALUATION Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow an attacker to cause a memory leak or execute arbitrary code. 3. TECHNICAL DETAILS 3.1 AFFECTED PRODUCTS The following Siemens products, are affected: 3.2 Vulnerability Overview 3.2.1 INADEQUATE ENCRYPTION STRENGTH CWE-326 AES OCB…

Siemens Mendix Applications
News, Vulnerabilities

Siemens Mendix Applications 

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. RISK EVALUATION Successful exploitation requires to guess the identification of a target role which contains the elevated access rights. 3. TECHNICAL DETAILS 3.1 AFFECTED PRODUCTS The following Siemens products, are affected: 3.2 Vulnerability Overview 3.2.1 IMPROPER PRIVILEGE MANAGEMENT CWE-269 Affected applications could…

IO-1020 Micro ELD uses a default WIFI password that could allow an adjacent attacker to connect to the device.
News, Vulnerabilities

IOSIX IO-1020 Micro ELD 

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. RISK EVALUATION Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow an adjacent attacker to take control of vehicle systems by connecting to and modifying the affected device. 3. TECHNICAL DETAILS 3.1 AFFECTED PRODUCTS The following IOSiX products are affected: 3.2 Vulnerability Overview…