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IO-1020 Micro ELD uses a default WIFI password that could allow an adjacent attacker to connect to the device.
News, Vulnerabilities

IOSIX IO-1020 Micro ELD 

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. RISK EVALUATION Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow an adjacent attacker to take control of vehicle systems by connecting to and modifying the affected device. 3. TECHNICAL DETAILS 3.1 AFFECTED PRODUCTS The following IOSiX products are affected: 3.2 Vulnerability Overview…

A vulnerability in the PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) termination feature of Cisco IOS XR Software for Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Routers could allow an unauthenticated
Critical vulnerabiliities, Cyber Security, IoT Security, Vulnerabilities

Cisco IOS XR Software for ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Routers PPPoE Denial of Service Vulnerability 

Summary A vulnerability in the PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) termination feature of Cisco IOS XR Software for Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Routers could allow an unauthenticated, adjacent attacker to crash the ppp_ma process, resulting in a denial of service (DoS) condition. This vulnerability…

The following products of Siemens are affected: Parasolid V35.0: all versions prior to V35.0.263 Parasolid V35.0: all versions prior to V35.0.251
ICS, News, Vulnerabilities

Siemens Parasolid 

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. RISK EVALUATION Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow an attacker to leverage the vulnerability to perform remote code execution in the context of the current process. 3. TECHNICAL DETAILS 3.1 AFFECTED PRODUCTS The following products of Siemens are affected: 3.2…

Cisco Unified Communications Products Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Critical vulnerabiliities, Cyber Security, IoT Security, News, Vulnerabilities

Cisco Unified Communications Products Remote Code Execution Vulnerability 

Summary Affected Products Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable Only products listed in the Vulnerable Products section of this advisory are known to be affected by this vulnerability. Cisco has confirmed that this vulnerability does not affect the following Cisco products: Workarounds Additionally, follow the best practices that are…