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Industrial IoT (IIoT), News

GDPR – PyRoMineIoT spreads via EternalRomance exploit and targets targets IoT devices in Iran and Saudi Arabia. 

Fortinet discovered PyRoMineIoT, a new strain of crypto-currency miner that exploits the NSA-linked EternalRomance exploit to spread. PyRoMineIoT is a new strain of crypto-currency miner that exploits the NSA-linked EternalRomance remote code execution exploit to spread, the malware also abuses infected machines to scan for vulnerable Internet of Things (IoT) devices….

IoT Security, News

NanoLock’s lightweight, unbreakable security and management platform sets new standard for IoT security solutions 

NanoLock Security unveiled the lightweight security and management platform purpose-built for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Connected Devices ecosystem. NanoLock’s technology addresses the market’s most pressing need to provision, protect, manage and securely update connected and IoT devices from the production line until its end-of-life and from…


AI, digital twins and IoT 

An explosive growth in new technologies to gather and use data to optimise service delivery will increasingly drive asset-based services, as MARK BREWER explains. By 2020, 25 percent of asset- intensive companies will adopt IoT (Internet of Things) and ‘digital twin’ technologies to optimise service….